al-Sayyid Muḥammad al-Rūḥānī
السيد محمد الروحاني
Muhammad Ruhani was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply immersed in the study and teaching of Islamic jurisprudence and principles. His contributions to the field were marked by his profound understanding and interpretation of Islamic texts, which he passionately shared with his students and peers. Ruhani authored several influential works that explored the depths of Islamic law and ethics, aiming to elucidate complex religious concepts for a broader audience. His writings continue to be a v...
Muhammad Ruhani was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply immersed in the study and teaching of Islamic jurisprudence and principles. His contributions to the field were marked by his profound under...
Minhāj al-Ṣāliḥīn
منهاج الصالحين
al-Sayyid Muḥammad al-Rūḥānī (d. 1418 AH)السيد محمد الروحاني (ت. 1418 هجري)
al-Masāʾil al-Muntaḫaba
المسائل المنتخبة
al-Sayyid Muḥammad al-Rūḥānī (d. 1418 AH)السيد محمد الروحاني (ت. 1418 هجري)
Manāsik al-Ḥajj
مناسك الحج
al-Sayyid Muḥammad al-Rūḥānī (d. 1418 AH)السيد محمد الروحاني (ت. 1418 هجري)