Meet the team
The Seemorg Foundation team is made up of engineers, researchers, and designers passionate about building state-of-the-art Islamic research. Our mission is to bridge the gap between classical knowledge and modern technology, ensuring that the rich heritage of Islamic literature is readily available to the whole world.

Abdellatif Abdelfattah
Abdellatif co-founded Tarteel AI, lead engineering at, and worked at Twitter.

Founding Engineer
Ahmed Riad
Ahmed co-founded Remail AI, Betterbook, and was an engineer at

Ryad Ramo
Ryad specializes in Maliki fiqh and Andulisian hisory. He co-managed Markaz Imam Malik.

Localization Lead
Rahma Fateen
Rahma lead Arabic localization at Tarteel AI. She was a translator at Human Rights Watch.

Ahmed Noor
Ahmed is an Islamic theology student at İZÜ. He's fluent in Arabic, English, and in Urdu.

Ahmed Khan
Ahmed is a student at Zaytuna College. He's the creator of The Creative Minority podcast.

Digitization Lead
Ahmet Aktan
Ahmed holds a PhD. from Al-Azhar university. He leads the digitization team and efforts.
Meet the board
The Seemorg Foundation’s board is made up of distinguished research and technology experts, each with decades of experience in their respective fields. Together, they oversee the organization and are ensure that it advances towards its mission of advancing Islamic scholarship.

Adnan Zulfiqar
Adnan specializes in Islamic and criminal law. He drafted criminal codes for Maldives and Somalia.

Intisar Rabb
Intisar is a Law professor at Harvard. She leads SHARIAsource and the Program in Islamic Law.

Zeki Mokhtarzada
Zeki is an entrepreneur with deep technical expertise. He co-founded Freewebs and Truebill.