Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān
أحمد زيني دحلان
أحمد زيني دحلان was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist in the Shafi'i school of thought. He served as the Mufti of Mecca, holding a significant position in the Islamic scholarly community. His works are highly regarded in Islamic jurisprudence and history, with notable contributions including his detailed account of the history of the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina. His writings continue to be a valuable resource for scholars and students of Islamic studies, reflecting his deep ...
أحمد زيني دحلان was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist in the Shafi'i school of thought. He served as the Mufti of Mecca, holding a significant position in the Islamic scholarly community. His...
Risālat al-Naṣr fī Dhikr Waqt Ṣalāt al-ʿAṣr
رسالة النصر في ذكر وقت صلاة العصر
Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān (d. 1304 AH)أحمد زيني دحلان (ت. 1304 هجري)
Fitnat al-Wahhābiyya
فتنة الوهابية
Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān (d. 1304 AH)أحمد زيني دحلان (ت. 1304 هجري)
Sharh al-Ajurumiyyah
شرح الآجرومية
Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān (d. 1304 AH)أحمد زيني دحلان (ت. 1304 هجري)
Risāla fī kayfiyyat al-munāẓara maʿa al-Shīʿa wa-al-radd ʿalayhim (maṭbūʿ maʿa al-ḥujaj al-qaṭʿiyya li-al-Suwaydī)
رسالة في كيفية المناظرة مع الشيعة والرد عليهم (مطبوع مع الحجج القطعية للسويدي)
Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān (d. 1304 AH)أحمد زيني دحلان (ت. 1304 هجري)
al-Durar al-Saniyya fi al-Radd ‘ala al-Wahhabiyya
الدرر السنية في الرد على الوهابية
Aḥmad Zaynī Daḥlān (d. 1304 AH)أحمد زيني دحلان (ت. 1304 هجري)