Ibn Hisham
ابن هشام
Ibn Hisham, an eminent Muslim historian and scholar, is renowned for his editorial work on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, known as "As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah." This work, a refined and edited version of Ibn Ishaq's earlier compilation, remains a pivotal source for the study of the Prophet's life and the early Islamic period. His meticulous approach to historical documentation and his commitment to preserving the integrity of the narratives have made his work an indispensable reference for s...
Ibn Hisham, an eminent Muslim historian and scholar, is renowned for his editorial work on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, known as "As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah." This work, a refined and edited ver...
al-Tījān fī Mulūk Ḥimyar
التيجان في ملوك حمير
•Ibn Hisham (d. 213)
•ابن هشام (d. 213)
213 AH
al-Sīrah al-Nabawīyah - al-juzʾ 1
السيرة النبوية - الجزء1
•Ibn Hisham (d. 213)
•ابن هشام (d. 213)
213 AH
Akhbar ʾUbayd ibn Shariyyah al-Jahrumi fi Akhbar al-Yaman wa Ashʾaruha wa Ansabuha
أخبار عبيد بن شرية الجهرمي في أخبار اليمن وأشعارها وأنسابها
•Ibn Hisham (d. 213)
•ابن هشام (d. 213)
213 AH