Abū Muḥammad al-Juwaynī
أبو محمد الجويني
Ibn Yusuf Juwayni was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence. His scholarly contributions spanned various fields, including Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), principles of jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh), and hadith studies. He is renowned for his profound knowledge and his ability to articulate complex Islamic legal theories in a comprehensible manner. His works served as foundational texts for subsequent generations of Islamic scholars, particularly in t...
Ibn Yusuf Juwayni was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence. His scholarly contributions spanned various fields, including Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh),...
Mawqif al-Imām wa'l-Maʾmūm
موقف الإمام والمأموم
Abū Muḥammad al-Juwaynī (d. 438 AH)أبو محمد الجويني (ت. 438 هجري)
Risāla fī Ithbāt al-Istiwāʾ wa-al-Fawqiyya wa-Masʾalat al-Ḥarf wa-al-Ṣawt fī al-Qurʾān al-Majīd
رسالة في إثبات الاستواء والفوقية ومسألة الحرف والصوت في القرآن المجيد
Abū Muḥammad al-Juwaynī (d. 438 AH)أبو محمد الجويني (ت. 438 هجري)
al-Jamʿ wa-l-Farq (aw Kitāb al-Furūq)
الجمع والفرق (أو كتاب الفروق)
Abū Muḥammad al-Juwaynī (d. 438 AH)أبو محمد الجويني (ت. 438 هجري)