ʿAli ibn Anjab ibn ʿUthman ibn ʿAbd Allah Abu Talib, Taj al-Din Ibn al-Saʿi (al-mutawaffa: 674H)
علي بن أنجب بن عثمان بن عبد الله أبو طالب، تاج الدين ابن الساعي (المتوفى: 674ه)
Ibn Saci, formally known as علي بن أنجب بن عثمان بن عبد الله أبو طالب، تاج الدين, was a distinguished historian and biographer. His contributions to the fields of history and biography are marked by his meticulous documentation of events and figures. His works are characterized by their depth of research and clarity, making them invaluable resources for scholars and historians. Through his writings, Ibn Saci provided detailed accounts of the socio-political and cultural contexts of his time, off...
Ibn Saci, formally known as علي بن أنجب بن عثمان بن عبد الله أبو طالب، تاج الدين, was a distinguished historian and biographer. His contributions to the fields of history and biography are marked by h...
al-Durr al-Thamīn fī Asmāʾ al-Muṣannifīn
الدر الثمين في أسماء المصنفين
ʿAli ibn Anjab ibn ʿUthman ibn ʿAbd Allah Abu Talib, Taj al-Din Ibn al-Saʿi (al-mutawaffa: 674H) (d. 674 AH)علي بن أنجب بن عثمان بن عبد الله أبو طالب، تاج الدين ابن الساعي (المتوفى: 674ه) (ت. 674 هجري)
Jamic Mukhtasar
ʿAli ibn Anjab ibn ʿUthman ibn ʿAbd Allah Abu Talib, Taj al-Din Ibn al-Saʿi (al-mutawaffa: 674H) (d. 674 AH)علي بن أنجب بن عثمان بن عبد الله أبو طالب، تاج الدين ابن الساعي (المتوفى: 674ه) (ت. 674 هجري)