Aḥmad ibn al-Amīn al-Shinqīṭī
أحمد بن الأمين الشنقيطي
Ibn Amin Shinqiti was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Mauritania. He was renowned for his deep knowledge in various Islamic sciences, including Tafsir (Quranic exegesis), Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). His scholarly contributions are considered significant in the Islamic world, particularly among students and scholars who study the Maliki school of thought. His works continue to be referenced in Islamic studies, highlighting his expertise...
Ibn Amin Shinqiti was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Mauritania. He was renowned for his deep knowledge in various Islamic sciences, including Tafsir (Quranic exegesis), Hadith (sayings and acti...
al-Muʿallaqāt al-ʿAshr wa-Akhbār Shuʿarāʾihā
المعلقات العشر وأخبار شعرائها
Aḥmad ibn al-Amīn al-Shinqīṭī (d. 1331 AH)أحمد بن الأمين الشنقيطي (ت. 1331 هجري)
al-Wasīṭ fī Tarājim Udabāʾ Shinqīṭ wa-l-Kalām ʿalā Tilka al-Bilād Taḥdīdan wa-Takhṭīṭan wa-ʿĀdātihim wa-Akhlāqihim wa-mā Yataʿallaq bi-Dhālik
الوسيط في تراجم أدباء شنقيط والكلام على تلك البلاد تحديدا وتخطيطا وعاداتهم وأخلاقهم وما يتعلق بذلك
Aḥmad ibn al-Amīn al-Shinqīṭī (d. 1331 AH)أحمد بن الأمين الشنقيطي (ت. 1331 هجري)