al-Shaykh Dawud al-Antaki
الشيخ داود الأنطاكي
Dawud Antaki, originally hailing from Antioch, was a distinguished physician, pharmacist, and philosopher. He is best known for his encyclopedic work 'Tadhkirat Uli al-Albab wa al-Jami' lil-Ajab al-Ujab' (The Reminder for the Minds and the Collection for the Wonders), which is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia that combines the knowledge of Greek, Indian, and Islamic medicine. His contributions to the field of medicine were not limited to this work; he also authored several other texts that d...
Dawud Antaki, originally hailing from Antioch, was a distinguished physician, pharmacist, and philosopher. He is best known for his encyclopedic work 'Tadhkirat Uli al-Albab wa al-Jami' lil-Ajab al-Uj...