Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī
إبراهيم الكوراني
Burhan Din Ibrahim Kurani was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the Sufi tradition. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic mysticism and jurisprudence. His works often bridged the gap between esoteric Sufism and exoteric Islamic law, reflecting a harmonious blend of spirituality and legalism. Among his notable contributions is his commentary on the works of Ghazali, which has been celebrated for its insightful analysis and depth. Kurani's teachings and writings ...
Burhan Din Ibrahim Kurani was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the Sufi tradition. He is renowned for his profound contributions to Islamic mysticism and jurisprudence. His works ofte...
Majmūʿ Rasāʾil al-ʿAllāma al-Mullā al-Kūranī
مجموع رسائل العلامة الملا الكوراني
Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī (d. 1101 AH) إبراهيم الكوراني (ت. 1101 هجري)
al-Maslak al-Jalī fī Ḥukm Shaṭḥ al-Walī wa-Yalīhi Tanbīh al-ʿUqūl ʿalā Tanzīh al-Ṣūfīyah ʿan Iʿtiqād al-Tajsīm wa-al-ʿAynīyah wa-al-Ittiḥād wa-al-Ḥulūl wa-Yalīhi al-Kashf wa-al-Shuhūd fī Maʿrifat al-Mawlā Wājib al-Wujūd
المسلك الجلي في حكم شطح الولي ويليه تنبيه العقول على تنزيه الصوفية عن اعتقاد التجسيم والعينية والاتحاد والحلول ويليه الكشف والشهود في معرفة المولى واجب الوجود
Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī (d. 1101 AH) إبراهيم الكوراني (ت. 1101 هجري)
Iqiẓ al-Qawābil li-l-Taqarrub bi-l-Nawāfil
إيقاظ القوابل للتقرب بالنوافل
Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī (d. 1101 AH) إبراهيم الكوراني (ت. 1101 هجري)