Abu Husayn Quduri was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his profound contributions to Hanafi jurisprudence. He authored 'Al-Mukhtasar,' a seminal work in Islamic legal texts, which has been a cornerstone in the study and practice of Hanafi law. His expertise in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) made his writings essential for scholars and students alike. His work not only clarified complex legal issues but also offered practical solutions, making it a vital resource for understanding and ...
Abu Husayn Quduri was a distinguished Islamic scholar, renowned for his profound contributions to Hanafi jurisprudence. He authored 'Al-Mukhtasar,' a seminal work in Islamic legal texts, which has bee...
Mukhtaṣar al-Qudūrī
مختصر القدوري
al-Qudūrī (d. 428 AH)القدوري (ت. 428 هجري)
Kitāb al-Taqrīb fī Masāʾil al-Khilāf bayn al-Aṣḥāb maʿa Adillatihā
كتاب التقريب في مسائل الخلاف بين الاصحاب مع أدلتها
al-Qudūrī (d. 428 AH)القدوري (ت. 428 هجري)
al-Tajrid li-l-Quduri
التجريد للقدوري
al-Qudūrī (d. 428 AH)القدوري (ت. 428 هجري)
Juzʾ fīhi min ḥadīth Abī al-Ḥusayn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Qudūrī - makhṭūṭ
جزء فيه من حديث أبي الحسين أحمد بن محمد القدوري - مخطوط
al-Qudūrī (d. 428 AH)القدوري (ت. 428 هجري)
Sharh Mukhtasar al-Karkhi
شرح مختصر الكرخي
al-Qudūrī (d. 428 AH)القدوري (ت. 428 هجري)