ʾAbd al-Qayyum ʾAbd al-Ghafur al-Sindi
عبد القيوم عبد الغفور السندي
2 Texts
•Also known as
Abdul Qayyoom Abdul Ghafoor Sindhi was an influential Islamic scholar and author, recognized for his contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy. His writings, rooted deeply in the classical traditions, provided a nuanced understanding of Shariah while engaging with contemporary issues. Sindhi’s lectures attracted scholars and students, eager to explore his insights on textual interpretation and ethical considerations. His ability to communicate complex ideas with clarity and convictio...
Abdul Qayyoom Abdul Ghafoor Sindhi was an influential Islamic scholar and author, recognized for his contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy. His writings, rooted deeply in the classical...
Ṣafḥāt fī ʿUlūm al-Qirāʾāt
صفحات في علوم القراءات
ʾAbd al-Qayyum ʾAbd al-Ghafur al-Sindi (d. Unknown)عبد القيوم عبد الغفور السندي (ت. غير معلوم)
Jamʿ al-Qurʾān al-Karīm fī ʿAhd al-Khulafāʾ al-Rāshidīn - ʿAbd al-Qayyūm al-Sindī
جمع القرآن الكريم في عهد الخلفاء الراشدين - عبد القيوم السندي
ʾAbd al-Qayyum ʾAbd al-Ghafur al-Sindi (d. Unknown)عبد القيوم عبد الغفور السندي (ت. غير معلوم)