Abu ʾAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tilimsani (al-mutawaffa: 771)
أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد الحسني التلمساني (المتوفى: 771)
Sharif Tilimsani, also known as Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tilimsani, was a distinguished scholar whose contributions to Islamic thought and jurisprudence have been widely acknowledged. His works, deeply rooted in the Maliki school of thought, reflect a profound understanding of Islamic legal principles and ethics. Tilimsani's scholarly pursuits were not confined to jurisprudence alone; he also made significant contributions to the fields of hadith and theology, demonstrating ...
Sharif Tilimsani, also known as Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tilimsani, was a distinguished scholar whose contributions to Islamic thought and jurisprudence have been widely acknowled...
Matharat al-Ghalat fi al-Adillah
مثارات الغلط في الأدلة
Abu ʾAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tilimsani (al-mutawaffa: 771) (d. 771 AH)أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد الحسني التلمساني (المتوفى: 771) (ت. 771 هجري)
Miftāḥ al-Wuṣūl ilā Bināʾ al-Furūʿ ʿalā al-Uṣūl
مفتاح الوصول إلى بناء الفروع على الأصول
Abu ʾAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hasani al-Tilimsani (al-mutawaffa: 771) (d. 771 AH)أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد الحسني التلمساني (المتوفى: 771) (ت. 771 هجري)