al-Sarī ibn Yaḥyā ibn Iyās ibn Ḥarmala ibn Iyās al-Shaybānī al-Muḥallamī, Abū al-Haytham, wa-yuqāl Abū Yaḥyā, al-Baṣrī (al-mutawaffā: 167 AH)

السرى بن يحيى بن إياس بن حرملة بن إياس الشيبانى المحلمى، أبو الهيثم، ويقال أبو يحيى، البصرى (المتوفى: 167هـ)


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Sari Ibn Yahya Basri was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Basra. He was deeply immersed in the study and teaching of Hadith, the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. His expertise in Islam...