Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Talhah al-Rajraji thumma al-Shushawi al-Samlali (al-mutawaffa: 899h)
أبو عبد الله الحسين بن علي بن طلحة الرجراجي ثم الشوشاوي السملالي (المتوفى: 899ه)
Al-Rajraji, formally known as Al-Hussein ibn Ali, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition. His contributions spanned various fields of Islamic studies, including jurisprudence, theology, and history. He hailed from a lineage of scholars and continued the legacy by engaging deeply in the intellectual debates of his time. His works, characterized by their depth and insight, served as significant references for scholars who followed. Al-Rajraji's scholarly pursuits were not confined to...
Al-Rajraji, formally known as Al-Hussein ibn Ali, was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition. His contributions spanned various fields of Islamic studies, including jurisprudence, theology, ...
Rafʿ al-Niqāb ʿan Tanqīḥ al-Shihāb
رفع النقاب عن تنقيح الشهاب
•Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Talhah al-Rajraji thumma al-Shushawi al-Samlali (al-mutawaffa: 899h) (d. 899)
•أبو عبد الله الحسين بن علي بن طلحة الرجراجي ثم الشوشاوي السملالي (المتوفى: 899ه) (d. 899)
899 AH
Tanbīh al-ʿaṭshān ʿalā mawrid al-ẓamʾān fī al-rasm al-Qurʾānī
تنبيه العطشان على مورد الظمآن في الرسم القرآني
•Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ibn Talhah al-Rajraji thumma al-Shushawi al-Samlali (al-mutawaffa: 899h) (d. 899)
•أبو عبد الله الحسين بن علي بن طلحة الرجراجي ثم الشوشاوي السملالي (المتوفى: 899ه) (d. 899)
899 AH