Qutb Atfayyish was a distinguished scholar in the Ibadi sect of Islam. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and the interpretation of the Quran. His works are considered seminal in the study and understanding of Ibadi Islam. Atfayyish was known for his deep knowledge of Islamic legal theory and his ability to articulate complex theological concepts in a clear and accessible manner. His writings continue to be a vital resource for scholars and students of Ibadi ju...
Qutb Atfayyish was a distinguished scholar in the Ibadi sect of Islam. He made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and the interpretation of the Quran. His works are consider...
Humyān al-Zād ilā Dār al-Maʿād
هميان الزاد إلى دار المعاد
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Jawāb al-Shaykh Aṭfayish li-Ahl Zuwārah
جواب الشيخ اطفيش لأهل زوارة
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Risāla in Lam Taʿrif al-Ibāḍiyya Yā ʿUqbi Yā Jazāʾirī lil-Qutb Aṭfayish
رسالة إن لم تعرف الإباضية يا عقبي يا جزائري للقطب اطفيش
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Tafsīr Aṭfayish
تفسير اطفيش
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Kashf al-Karb fī Tartīb Ajwibat al-Imām al-Qutb
كشف الكرب في ترتيب أجوبة الإمام القطب
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Sharh Lamiyyat al-Afʿāl lil-Qutb Aṭfayyish, j. 2, 3
شرح لامية الأفعال للقطب اطفيش ج2 3
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Taysīr al-Tafsīr
تيسير التفسير
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaghīr li-l-quṭb Aṭfīsh, j. 3
الجامع الصغير ج 3 للقطب اطفيش
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
al-Ḥujjah fī Bayān al-Maḥajjah fī al-Tawḥīd bi-lā Taqālīd
الحجة في بيان المحجة في التوحيد بلا تقليد
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
al-Jāmiʿ al-Ṣaghīr (juzʾ 1) li’l-Quṭb Aṭfaysh
الجامع الصغير (ج1) للقطب اطفيش
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Sharh al-Nil li-al-Qutb Aṭfayish - Muwafiq lil-Matbu‘
شرح النيل للقطب اطفيش - موافق للمطبوع
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)
Kitāb Takhliṣ al-ʿānī min Rabaqat Jahl al-Maʿānī lil-Qaṭb Aṭfayish taḥqīq Muḥammad Zamrī
كتاب تخليص العاني من ربقة جهل المعاني للقطب اطفيش تحقيق محمد زمري
Aṭfayesh (d. 1332 AH)اطفيش (ت. 1332 هجري)