Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī
مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي
Mahmoud al-Hamzawi served as the Mufti of Damascus, a significant religious and judicial position within the Islamic community. He was known for his scholarly contributions and deep understanding of Islamic jurisprudence. His tenure as Mufti was marked by efforts to engage with both traditional and contemporary issues faced by society. Al-Hamzawi was respected for his balanced approach to legal opinions, emphasizing both adherence to Islamic principles and consideration of modern contexts. His w...
Mahmoud al-Hamzawi served as the Mufti of Damascus, a significant religious and judicial position within the Islamic community. He was known for his scholarly contributions and deep understanding of I...
al-Farāʾid al-Bahiyya fī al-Qawāʿid wa al-Fawāʾid al-Fiqhiyya
الفرائد البهية في القواعد والفوائد الفقهية
Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī (d. 1305 AH)مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي (ت. 1305 هجري)
Majmūʿ Rasāʾil al-ʿAllāmah Maḥmūd Efendi al-Ḥamzāwī
مجموع رسائل العلامة محمود افندي الحمزاوي
Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī (d. 1305 AH)مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي (ت. 1305 هجري)
ʿIlm al-Ḥāl al-Mukhtaṣar
علم الحال المختصر
Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī (d. 1305 AH)مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي (ت. 1305 هجري)
‘Ilm al-Ḥāl al-Mukhtaṣar fī al-Fiqh al-Akbar al-‘Aqīda wa-Qism al-‘Ibādāt ‘alā al-Madhhab al-Ḥanafī
علم الحال المختصر في الفقه الأكبر العقيدة وقسم العبادات على المذهب الحنفي
Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī (d. 1305 AH)مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي (ت. 1305 هجري)
al-Fatāwā al-Niẓām
الفتاوى النظم
Mufti Dimashq, Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad Nasīb al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥamzāwī (d. 1305 AH)مفتي دمشق، محمود بن محمد نسيب الحسيني الحمزاوي (ت. 1305 هجري)