istakhrijahā wa-ḥaqqaqahā al-Duktur Iḥsān ʿAbbās (al-mutawaffā: 1424H)
استخرجها وحققها الدكتور إحسان عباس (المتوفى: 1424هـ)
Ihsan Abbas was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Arabic literature and Islamic studies. He was renowned for his critical editions and studies of classical Arabic texts, contributing significantly to the understanding and preservation of Arab-Islamic heritage. His work encompassed a wide range of subjects, including poetry, history, and philology. Abbas's scholarly rigor and dedication to his field made him a respected figure among academics and students alike. His publications serve as e...
Ihsan Abbas was a distinguished scholar in the fields of Arabic literature and Islamic studies. He was renowned for his critical editions and studies of classical Arabic texts, contributing significan...
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شذرات من كتب مفقودة في التاريخ
istakhrijahā wa-ḥaqqaqahā al-Duktur Iḥsān ʿAbbās (al-mutawaffā: 1424H) (d. 1424 AH)استخرجها وحققها الدكتور إحسان عباس (المتوفى: 1424هـ) (ت. 1424 هجري)
Shiʿr al-Khawārij
شعر الخوارج
istakhrijahā wa-ḥaqqaqahā al-Duktur Iḥsān ʿAbbās (al-mutawaffā: 1424H) (d. 1424 AH)استخرجها وحققها الدكتور إحسان عباس (المتوفى: 1424هـ) (ت. 1424 هجري)