Ibrāhīm Imām
إبراهيم إمام
3 Texts
•Also known as
Ibrahim Imam was an influential figure known for his contributions to the intellectual and cultural discourse of his time. He engaged with various aspects of governance and society, often providing a bridge between traditional values and modern perspectives. His works and ideas resonated across different sectors, fostering discussions on reform and progress within his community. Imam's dialogues and writings attracted attention for their clarity and depth, making him a respected voice in matters...
Ibrahim Imam was an influential figure known for his contributions to the intellectual and cultural discourse of his time. He engaged with various aspects of governance and society, often providing a ...
Dawr al-Iʿlām fī al-Taḍāmun al-Islāmī
دور الإعلام في التضامن الإسلامي
Ibrāhīm Imām (d. Unknown)إبراهيم إمام (ت. غير معلوم)
al-Mukhaddarāt Akhṭar Maʿūqāt al-Tanmiyya
المخدرات أخطر معوقات التنمية
Ibrāhīm Imām (d. Unknown)إبراهيم إمام (ت. غير معلوم)
Dirāsāt fī al-Fann al-Ṣaḥafī
دراسات في الفن الصحفي
Ibrāhīm Imām (d. Unknown)إبراهيم إمام (ت. غير معلوم)