Ibn al-Qaṭṭān al-Fāsī
ابن القطان الفاسي
Ibn Qattan Fasi was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Fes, known for his expertise in hadith criticism. He authored several influential works, among which his critical examination of hadith narrators stands out. His meticulous approach to evaluating the reliability of narrators significantly contributed to the field of hadith studies. His work provided a foundation for later scholars, establishing a systematic method for assessing the authenticity of hadiths. His contributions are still refer...
Ibn Qattan Fasi was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Fes, known for his expertise in hadith criticism. He authored several influential works, among which his critical examination of hadith narrato...
Ihkam al-naẓar fi aḥkam al-naẓar bi-ḥassah al-baṣar
إحكام النظر في أحكام النظر بحاسة البصر
Ibn al-Qaṭṭān al-Fāsī (d. 628 AH)ابن القطان الفاسي (ت. 628 هجري)
Bayān al-Wahm wa-al-Īhām fī Kitāb al-Aḥkām
بيان الوهم والإيهام في كتاب الأحكام
Ibn al-Qaṭṭān al-Fāsī (d. 628 AH)ابن القطان الفاسي (ت. 628 هجري)
al-Iqnaʿ fī Masāʾil al-Ijmāʿ
الإقناع في مسائل الإجماع
Ibn al-Qaṭṭān al-Fāsī (d. 628 AH)ابن القطان الفاسي (ت. 628 هجري)