Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Kamal al-Din ibn Ahmad bin Husayn, Burhan al-Din ibn Hamza al-Husayni al-Hanafi al-Dimashqi (al-mutawaffa: 1120AH)
ابن حمزة الحسيني
Ibn Muhammad Burhan Din Dimashqi was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition, deeply rooted in the Hanafi school of thought. His contributions spanned various fields, including Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and philosophy. He was particularly renowned for his insightful interpretations and commentaries on classical texts, which have been celebrated for their depth and clarity. His works served as a bridge, connecting the rich heritage of Islamic scholarship with the evolving needs of...
Ibn Muhammad Burhan Din Dimashqi was a distinguished scholar in the Islamic tradition, deeply rooted in the Hanafi school of thought. His contributions spanned various fields, including Islamic jurisp...