Ibn al-Jawzī
ابن الجوزي
Ibn al-Jawzi was a prolific Islamic scholar, preacher, and historian, deeply rooted in the Hanbali school of thought. His extensive works encompass theology, Qur'anic exegesis, hadith, history, and ethics. Among his notable contributions is 'Talbis Iblis' (The Devil's Deception), where he critically examines various sects within Islam, highlighting their deviations. His 'Al-Muntazam fi tarikh al-muluk wa'l-umam' is a comprehensive history of Islam and other nations, showcasing his prowess in his...
Ibn al-Jawzi was a prolific Islamic scholar, preacher, and historian, deeply rooted in the Hanbali school of thought. His extensive works encompass theology, Qur'anic exegesis, hadith, history, and et...