Ibn ʿAllān
ابن علان
Ibn Callan was a distinguished scholar in the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. He was deeply rooted in the Ash'ari theological tradition and hailed from the Bakri family lineage, which traced its ancestry back to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. His scholarly contributions spanned various Islamic sciences, but he is most renowned for his works in hadith and fiqh. Among his notable works is a comprehensive commentary on 'Riyad al-Salihin,' which has been celebrated for its insightful analysis and dept...
Ibn Callan was a distinguished scholar in the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence. He was deeply rooted in the Ash'ari theological tradition and hailed from the Bakri family lineage, which traced ...
Dalil al-Falihin li-Turuq Riyad al-Salihin
دليل الفالحين لطرق رياض الصالحين
Ibn ʿAllān (d. 1057 AH)ابن علان (ت. 1057 هجري)
al-Jawāhir al-Muqniʿah fī Baʿd Faḍl Awlī al-Madhāhib al-Arbaʿah al-Mutabaʿah
الجواهر المقنعة في بعض فضل أولي المذاهب الأربعة المتبعة
Ibn ʿAllān (d. 1057 AH)ابن علان (ت. 1057 هجري)
Nashr Alwiyat Tashrif
نشر ألوية التشريف بالإعلام والتعريف بمن له ولاية عمارة ما سقط من البيت الشريف - سلسلة لقاء العشر الأواخر بالمسجد الحرام (24)
Ibn ʿAllān (d. 1057 AH)ابن علان (ت. 1057 هجري)
al-Futūḥāt al-Rabbāniyya ʿalā al-Adhkār al-Nawawiyya
الفتوحات الربانية على الأذكار النواوية
Ibn ʿAllān (d. 1057 AH)ابن علان (ت. 1057 هجري)
Itiḥāf al-Fāḍil bi-al-Fiʿl al-Mabnī li-Ghayr al-Fāʿil
اتحاف الفاضل بالفعل المبني لغير الفاعل
Ibn ʿAllān (d. 1057 AH)ابن علان (ت. 1057 هجري)