Ibn al-Akfānī
ابن الأكفاني
Ibn al-Akfānī was a distinguished scholar in the fields of medicine and botany. His contributions to the scientific world are encapsulated in his notable works, which include an encyclopedia on the natural sciences and a comprehensive treatise on plants. His writings not only served as a bridge between ancient knowledge and his contemporaries but also provided a foundation for future scholars in the Islamic world. His meticulous approach to the classification and description of plants marked a s...
Ibn al-Akfānī was a distinguished scholar in the fields of medicine and botany. His contributions to the scientific world are encapsulated in his notable works, which include an encyclopedia on the na...
Nukhbat al-Dhakhaʾir fi Ahwal al-Jawahir
نخب الذخائر في أحوال الجواهر
Ibn al-Akfānī (d. 749 AH)ابن الأكفاني (ت. 749 هجري)
Irshād al-qāṣid ilā asnā al-maqāṣid
إرشاد القاصد إلى أسنى المقاصد
Ibn al-Akfānī (d. 749 AH)ابن الأكفاني (ت. 749 هجري)
Wasaya Mulukiyya
Ibn al-Akfānī (d. 749 AH)ابن الأكفاني (ت. 749 هجري)