Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Yusuf ibn Khallad ibn Mansur al-Nasibi thumma al-Baghdadi al-ʾAttar (al-mutawaffa: 359 AH)
أبو بكر أحمد بن يوسف بن خلاد بن منصور النصيبي ثم البغدادي العطار (المتوفى: 359هـ)
Abu Bakr Nasibi, originally hailing from Nisibis before settling in Baghdad, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of hadith and fiqh. His expertise was not limited to Islamic jurisprudence; he was also well-versed in the sciences of the Quran and the Arabic language. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to teaching and compiling significant works that contributed to the Islamic scholarly tradition. Among his contributions, his efforts in the collection and authentication of hadiths sta...
Abu Bakr Nasibi, originally hailing from Nisibis before settling in Baghdad, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of hadith and fiqh. His expertise was not limited to Islamic jurisprudence; he wa...
Fawāʾid Abī Bakr al-Nasībī
فوائد أبي بكر النصيبي
Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Yusuf ibn Khallad ibn Mansur al-Nasibi thumma al-Baghdadi al-ʾAttar (al-mutawaffa: 359 AH) (d. 359 AH)أبو بكر أحمد بن يوسف بن خلاد بن منصور النصيبي ثم البغدادي العطار (المتوفى: 359هـ) (ت. 359 هجري)
Hadith Abi Bakr bin Khalad al-Nasibi
حديث أبي بكر بن خلاد النصيبي
Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Yusuf ibn Khallad ibn Mansur al-Nasibi thumma al-Baghdadi al-ʾAttar (al-mutawaffa: 359 AH) (d. 359 AH)أبو بكر أحمد بن يوسف بن خلاد بن منصور النصيبي ثم البغدادي العطار (المتوفى: 359هـ) (ت. 359 هجري)