Abū al-Ḥasan al-Lakhmī al-Qayrawānī
أبو الحسن اللخمي القيرواني
Al-Qayrawani, from Kairouan, was an influential Maliki jurist and scholar. Known for his expertise in Islamic jurisprudence, he played a significant role in the development of Maliki thought. His legal writings and opinions were widely respected and continue to be foundational within the Maliki school. Al-Qayrawani's work often intersected with the practical application of Islamic law, making him a crucial figure in the jurisprudential landscape of his time. His scholarship was instrumental in s...
Al-Qayrawani, from Kairouan, was an influential Maliki jurist and scholar. Known for his expertise in Islamic jurisprudence, he played a significant role in the development of Maliki thought. His lega...