Abū ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Dīrī, Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-ʿAbsī al-Maqdisī
أبو عبد الله ابن الديري، محمد بن عبد الله العبسي المقدسي
Abu Abdullah Ibn al-Deiri, Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Absi al-Maqdisi was an esteemed Islamic scholar known for his contributions to religious studies in the medieval Islamic world. His works often encapsulated deep explorations into Islamic jurisprudence and theology, demonstrating a profound understanding of religious texts and an ability to engage with complex legal and moral questions. His teachings were influential among his contemporaries, contributing significantly to scholarly discourse in...
Abu Abdullah Ibn al-Deiri, Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Absi al-Maqdisi was an esteemed Islamic scholar known for his contributions to religious studies in the medieval Islamic world. His works often enca...