Prophetic Biography in the Encyclopaedia Britannica
السيرة النبوية في دائرة المعارف البريطانية
مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف بالمدينة المنورة
(١) A document has been preserved known as the Constitution of Medina ... but its main provisions are almost certainly those originally agreed upon between Muhammad and the Muslims of Medina. In form the document creates a confederation on traditional Arab lines among nine groups-eight Arab clans and the emigrants from Mecca. Muhammad is given no special position of authority، except that the preamble speaks of the agreement as made between “Muhammad the prophet” and the Muslims now resident in Medina، and it is stated that serious disputes are to be referred to him. The Jewish groups had refused to acknowledge Muhammad as prophet and in the document appear in a secondary character as attached to various Arab clans. For at least five years، Muhammad had no direct authority over members of other clans، but، in the closing years of his life، the prestige of his military successes gave him almost autocratic power.
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