Madkhal Li Dirasat Fulklur
مدخل لدراسة الفولكلور والأساطير العربية
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Madkhal Li Dirasat Fulklur
Shawqi Cabd Hakim d. 1423 AHمدخل لدراسة الفولكلور والأساطير العربية
Folklore and Anthropology-William R. Bascom. (2)
Jewish Encyclopedia. (3)
Dictionary of Folklore. (4)
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. (5)
Judaism in Islam. (6)
Finnish Folklore-j. and kaarle Krohn. (7)
Dictionary of all Scriptures and Myths-G. A. gaskell. (8)
S. N. Kramer-Sumerian Mythology. (9)
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