History of Arabic Heritage - Chemistry and Plants
تاريخ التراث العربي لسزكين - الكيمياء والنبات
جامعة الملك سعود
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١٤٠٦ هـ - ١٩٨٦ م
(١) ' ' kraus'sidea (ii، ٥٨) thatitisimpossib letobelievethata nyancientwriterc ouldhaveascribed alchemicalwritin gstosocratesmigh thavebeenmodifie difhehadknownthe contentsofthe asafiyalibraryms. k. at- tuba- whichpurposrtsto havebeenwrittenb yal- azdi، afriendof khalidibnyazid. inthis، onlygreek، persian، egyptian، jewishandbyzanti nealchemistsare mentioned، andamongthemappe ars'buqrat (orbuqratis) thesage، teacherofafiatun '. it wasprobablythis (orsomesimilar) treatisethatledj abirtorefersoext ensivelytosocrat es، plato، aristotleandothe rgreekphilosophe rsasalchemicalau thorities. seleucidsyriamay be regardedasthelik eliestplaceofori ginforsuchpseudo graphiccompositi ons، oneofwhichwas certainlyinexist enceina. d. ٣٠٠ asaquotationfrom somealchemicaltr eatisebybuqratis foundinthecairol ibraryarabicms. translationofatr eatisebyzosimos. seealsotheex- tractsgivenbyibn umailfromsomealc hemicaltreatisea scribedtosocrate s، ofwhichatrans- lationwillbefoun dinmem. a. s. b. xii (pp. ١٣٠ - ٢) . theextraordinary resemblanceofthe phraseologyofthe seextractstothat foundinthetreati seofagathodaimon (discussedlaterin thispaper) suggests، infact، thatsomephasesat leastofjabir's's ocratic'alchemym ayrepre- sentthealchemyac tuallypractisedb ytheharranians. intheabsenceofth eoriginalgreek texts، thearabicandlati nalchemicaltexts ascribedtosocrat esshouldbeexamin edfortheir possiblerelation shipwithibnumail ' squotations; thecontentsofaga thodaimon'streat iseand withevengreaterp ossibilityofesti matingtheactuale xtentofharranian science- ar- razi's alchemicaltreati ses" (ambix ٥/ ١٩٥٣ - ٥٦/ ٧ - ٨، n. ١١) . (٢) " kraus'sobjection thattheycouldonl yhavebeenwritten inmuslimtimes، whenthereal teachingofthesep hilosophershadbe enalmostforgotte n، maybesatisfactor ilymetbyconsid- eringhowthetreat iseofagathodaimo nprobablycameint oexistence ... " (ambix ٥/ ١٩٥٣ - ٦٥/ ٣٢) . (٣) " thequotationsgiv enbelowatleast، suggestthedesira bilityofconsider ingonceagainthep os- sibilitythatdemo critusofabderama yactuallyhavewri ttentreatisesona lchemyduringhis residenceinegypt، withtheobjectofr ecordingthevirws ofhisteacher، apersianalchemis t calledostanes. itiscertainlypos sibleforthemboth tohavebeeninegyp tinthelastquarte rof the ٥ thcenturyb. c.، asegyptwasthenap ersianprovince، andhadbeenforthe previouscen- tury" (ambix ٥/ ١٩٥٣ - ٥٦/ ٣٣) .
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