Duties and Rights of Workers in Islamic Law Compared with Palestinian Labor Law

Samir Alawadeh d. Unknown

Duties and Rights of Workers in Islamic Law Compared with Palestinian Labor Law

واجبات العمال وحقوقهم في الشريعة الإسلامية مقارنة مع قانون العمل الفلسطيني


جامعة القدس


I Followed in my research the discriphon way in addihon to contrast and analyze in some cases. Results ١. The Palestinian Labour law must have texts about the lethality of the letting the children work. ٢. The work woman has right to lay permission "without depending of how many years she is at works. ٣. Allot of Sharee،a texts to worker to Know his rights and dutes. ٤. To keep your body safe in Islam، there are sereral kind of leaves. ٥. The worker is responsible for his failing in the work or destroying tools. ٦. The retirement salary and endying job reword is afull right to the worker. ٧. To stop working،Protest، and demonstrations are full rights for the workers to achieve their legitimate rights. ٨. Innovation is afull right for its owner if is forbiclen to violate.

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