al-Adab al-Jahili fi Athar al-Darisin Qadiman wa Hadithan
الأدب الجاهلي في آثار الدارسين قديما وحديثا
دار الفكر للنشر والتوزيع
Edition Number
الأولى ١٩٨٧
٣٢- Grunbaum.
- Arabic Poetry. Viesbaden، ١٩٧٣.
٣٣- Von Grunebaum.
- The Aesthetic Foundation of Arabic Literature. Comparative Literature ٤ (١٩٥٢): ٣٢٣- ٣٤٠.
- The Concept of Plagiarism in Arabic Theory. Jnes ٣ (١٩٤٤): ٢٣٤- ٢٥٣.
- Growth and Structure of Arabic Poetry. Princetion: N.J.: Princetion University Press، ١٩٤٤. P. ١٢١- ١٣٦.
- The Nature of Arab Unity Before Islam. Arabica ١٠ (١٩٦٣): ٥- ٢٣.
- Themes in the Meieval Arabic literature Variorum Reprints London ١٩٨١.
- Notes on the poem ascribes to al- Samau'al. JRAS، ١٩٠٦، P. ٧٠١- ٧٠٤.
٣٥- HELL، J.
- The Arab Civilization. Lahore: Sh. M. Ashraf، ١٩٤٣.
٣٦- Hograth، D.G.
The penetration of Arabia. Khayats، Beirut ١٩٦٦.
٣٧- HUSAIN، S.M.
- Notice of unkown anthology of ancient Arabic. Poetry. Muntaha'l- Talab min Ash'arlil- Arab. JRAS ١٩٣٧ P. ٤٣٣- ٤٥٢.
- An Unknown ancient Arabic Ode. Proceedings of the ٦th Al- India Oriental. Conferance. ١٩٣٠، P. ٤٥٣- ٤٦٦.
- Arabic Poetry. JBBRAS ٢٢ (١٩٠٥- ١٩٠٨) P. ١- ١٠.
- Arabic Poetics. Indiana University Conf. On Oriental- Western Literary Relations، ١٩٣٥، P. ٢٤- ٤٦.
- The Nature of the Arab Literary effort. JNES ١ (١٩٤٨)، P. ١١٦- ١٢٢.
٣٩- KAHLE، P.
- The Quran and the Arabiya. (In: Ignace Goldziher Memorial Vo. ١. Pudapest: ١٩٤٨ P. ١٦٣- ١٨٢) .
٤٠- Khoury، R.G. Wahb b. Munabbih، Der Heidelbreger papyrus P.S.R.
Heid. Arab. ٢٣، Wiesbaden، ١٩٧٢.
٤١- KISTER، M.
- The seven Odes: Some on the Comilation of the Muallaqat. RSO ٤٤ (١٩٦٩): ٢٧- ٣٦.
- A Work of Ibn al- kalbi on the Arab peninsula. BSOAS ٣٣ (١٩٧٠): ٥٩٠- ٥٩١.
- Studies in Jahiliyyata and Early Islam.
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