Изображения исламских СМИ в Священном Коране - Исследование тематического толкования

Атиф Ибрагим Эль Метвалли d. Unknown

Изображения исламских СМИ в Священном Коране - Исследование тематического толкования

صور الإعلام الإسلامي في القرآن الكريم - دراسة في التفسير الموضوعي


This research study in the objective interpretation، try the researcher to highlight the images of Islamic Information in the Koran، and in order to achieve this objective researcher dealt with the media and its origins and stages of development، and means of multiple، and its various components، also presented the trends of the ruling of the media institutions، creeds، and doctrines، multiple objectives. Then there was talk of Islamic Information and dealt with the researcher، by definition، and indicate the reasons for his appearance، and the origins and goals، which seek to achieve، and characteristics، and the many means which enables it to deliver his message and to achieve specific objectives of the system of Islamic media. And then speak a researcher from the media in the Koran، through the statement that the Koran is the greatest information tool known in the history of humanity، and the researcher joints media key in the Holy Quran، which was to define the task of the apostles all، is to do the statement and author، and the commitment of the Apostles performance of the message Lord's media as it is without an increase or decrease، as it turns out that the media Quranic comprehensive information drives and affects all areas. The research involved a statement that the media Quranic has the characteristics of the uniqueness of it from other all other trends in other media، including that it brought me، and that he supports finding a single source، credibility، and to demonstrate mental persuasion، and aligned the full morals، and interactive positive with events، and full justice and equity، What passes now for full transparency and objectivity full. Research has also shown the media in the Quran، including: the diversity of speech، stories، proverbs، repetition، and debate، and dialogue with the offenders، and the carrot and the stick. Then reviewed the researcher Photos Media in the Koran، and extracted six types: information lumpy، political، military، economic، social and cultural development، with the definition of each type of media profile shown، Reagent for the truth، explaining the objectives of each type of it، and its properties، and images His diverse، and methods of information brought by the Holy Quran. He has written this research in the hope that his words be brick in the edifice of Quranic let us know، and hope، as the evidence on a particular net، and the ink، not broken، let us know of the means of the Islamic، and God is faithful.

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