Европейский союз: очень короткое введение

Халид Гариб Кали d. 1450 AH

Европейский союз: очень короткое введение

الاتحاد الأوروبي: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


Eminent Europeans (London, 1996, 321 pp.). Hugo Young provides unsurpassed insights into the development of British relations with the EU, through chapters on a dozen British protagonists and antagonists from Churchill to Blair, in

This Blessed Plot (Basingstoke, 1998, 558 pp.).

There is not much that is easy to read and gives a true and fair view of how the


work. Neil Nugent’s

The Government and Politics of the European Union (Basingstoke, 7th edn, 2010, 512 pp.) is reliable and comprehensive, but not light reading. Michelle Cini and Nieves Perez-Solorzano Borragan’s

European Union Politics (Oxford, 3rd edn, 2010, 520 pp.) opens up a wide range of subjects to the reader. John Peterson and Michael Shackleton’s

The Institutions of the European Union (Oxford, 3rd edn, 2012, 472 pp.) is a very good overview. Shorter explanations of the institutions can be found in the chapter on 'Institutions or Constitution’ in

The Building of the European Union

and in Helen Wallace’s chapter on 'An Institutional Anatomy and Five Policy Modes’ in Wallace, Pollack, and Young (eds),

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