Цвета и человеческие реакции
الألوان والاستجابات البشرية
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Цвета и человеческие реакции
Сафия Мухтар d. 1450 AHالألوان والاستجابات البشرية
Birren, Faber, “Color and Man-Made Environments: The Significance of Light,”
Journal American Institute of Architects,
August 1972.
Birren, Faber, “Color and Man-Made Environments: Reactions of Body and Eye,”
Journal American Institute of Architects,
September 1972.
Birren, Faber, “Color and Man-Made Environments: Reactions of Mind and Emotion,”
Journal American Institute of Architects,
October 1972.
Birren, Faber, “Color Preference as a Clue to Personality,”
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