هيجل: لنډه مقدمه

هيجل: مقدمة قصيرة جدا


قراءات إضافية

أعمال هيجل

The standard German edition of Hegel’s collected works is the twenty-volume Jubilee Edition, edited by H. Glockner and published in Stuttgart from 1927 to 1930. For the English-speaking reader wondering where to begin reading Hegel’s own works, I would recommend following the order of the works discussed in this book. English translations of these works are:

Lectures on the Philosophy of History,

tr. J. Sibree (Dover, New York, 1956). The introduction to these lectures is available separately, as

Reason in History: A General Introduction to the Philosophy of History , tr. R. S. Hartman (Library of Liberal Arts, New York, 1953), and as

Lectures on the Philosophy of World History. Introduction: Reason in History , tr. H. B. Nisbet (Cambridge University

scholarly material.

Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,

tr. T. M. Knox (Oxford University Press, London, 1967).

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