बिला क़्यूद
بلا قيود: تقنيات حررت البشر ودفعتهم لحافة الهاوية
आपकी हाल की खोजें यहाँ दिखाई देंगी
बिला क़्यूद
जॉर्ज ऑरवेल d. 1450 AHبلا قيود: تقنيات حررت البشر ودفعتهم لحافة الهاوية
Albert, Rosa M., Ofer Bar-Yosef, Liliane Meignen, and Steve Weiner, eds. “Quantitative Phytolith Study of Hearths rom the Natufian and Middle Palaeolithic Levels of Hayonim Cave (Galilee, Israel).”
Journal of Archaeological Science
30, no. 4 (2003): 461-480.
Alfred, Randy. “Univac gets election right, but CBS balks.”
Wired , November 4, 2008.
http://www.wired.com/2010/11/1104cbs-tv-univac-election (accessed June 12, 2014).
Algaze, Guillermo. “Initial Social Complexity in Southwestern Asia: The Mesopotamian Advantage.”
Current Anthropology
42, no. 2 (2001): 199-233.
Allen, John, and Mark Nelson. “Biospherics and Biosphere 2, Mission One (1991-1993).”
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