La comida en el mundo antiguo
الطعام في العالم القديم
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La comida en el mundo antiguo
Iman Jamal Din Farmawi d. 1450 AHالطعام في العالم القديم
Spicing Up The Palate, Studies of Flavourings Ancient and Modern , Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1992, (ed.) H Walker (London: Prospect Books, 1993) 275-9.
Wilkins J and Hill S 1994
Archestratus: The Life of Luxury (Totnes:
Wills J 1998
The Food Bible (London: Quadrille).
Wills W L 1985
Idol Meat in Corinth (Chico, CA: Scholar’s
Wissowa G 1894
Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Stuttgart).
Zecchini G 1989
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