La comida en el mundo antiguo
الطعام في العالم القديم
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La comida en el mundo antiguo
Iman Jamal Din Farmawi d. 1450 AHالطعام في العالم القديم
Braun T 1995 'Barley cakes and emmer bread’ in Wilkins, Harvey & Dobson: 25-37.
Braund D C 1995 'Fish from the Black Sea: Classical Byzantium and the Greekness of trade’ in Wilkins, Harvey & Dobson: 162-71.
Braund D C and Wilkins J 2000
Athenaeus and his World (Exeter: Exeter University
Braund S M 1996 'The solitary feast: A contradiction in terms?’,
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
41: 37-52.
Briant P 1996
Histoire de L’Empire
(Paris: Fayard).
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