Hurriyya Insaniyya Wa Cilm
الحرية الإنسانية والعلم: مشكلة فلسفية
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Hurriyya Insaniyya Wa Cilm
Yumna Tarif Khuli d. 1450 AHالحرية الإنسانية والعلم: مشكلة فلسفية
edition, 1958 . (23)
Hook. Sidney (ed.), Determinism and Freedom in The Age of Modern Science, Collier Books, New York, 5th edition, 1979 . (24)
Hondrich, Ted (ed.), Essays on Freedom of Action, Routledge & Kegan
. (25)
Hull. L.W, History and Philosophy of Science, Longman, London, 1960 . (26)
Huttan. Ernest H., The Ideas of
1967 . (27)
James. Jeans, The Mysterious Universe, Cambridge University Press, 1933 . (28)
James. William, Pragmatism, Longman, Green & Co., New York, 1949 . (29)
James. William, The Principles of
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