Yūsuf al-Bustānī
يوسف البستاني
Yusuf Bustani was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist, renowned for his profound knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence. He dedicated his life to teaching and writing, contributing significantly to the understanding of Islamic law. His works are considered essential readings for students and scholars of Islam, reflecting his deep understanding and interpretation of Islamic texts. Bustani's scholarly approach combined rigorous analysis with a commitment to conveying complex legal principles in...
Yusuf Bustani was a distinguished Islamic scholar and jurist, renowned for his profound knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence. He dedicated his life to teaching and writing, contributing significantly to...
Nawādir al-Ḥarb al-ʿUẓmā
نوادر الحرب العظمى
Yūsuf al-Bustānī (d. 1343 AH)يوسف البستاني (ت. 1343 هجري)
Amthāl al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb
أمثال الشرق والغرب
Yūsuf al-Bustānī (d. 1343 AH)يوسف البستاني (ت. 1343 هجري)
Tārīkh Ḥarb al-Balqān al-Ūlā: bayna al-Dawla al-ʿUthmānīya wa-l-Ittiḥād al-Balqānī al-Muʾallaf min al-Bulghār wa-al-Ṣirb wa-al-Yūnān wa-al-Jabal al-Aswad
تاريخ حرب البلقان الأولى: بين الدولة العلية والاتحاد البلقاني المؤلف من البلغار والصرب واليونان والجبل الأسود
Yūsuf al-Bustānī (d. 1343 AH)يوسف البستاني (ت. 1343 هجري)
al-Nisr al-Aʿẓam
النسر الأعظم
Yūsuf al-Bustānī (d. 1343 AH)يوسف البستاني (ت. 1343 هجري)