Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī
وهبة الزحيلي
Wahbah al-Zuhayli was a renowned Islamic scholar known for his extensive contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and legal theory. His seminal work, 'Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh,' is a comprehensive study of Islamic law and its evidences, providing deep insights into comparative jurisprudence. Al-Zuhayli's scholarship extended to various fields including Tafsir, where his writings enriched the understanding of Quranic exegesis. As a respected academic, he served for many years at the Universit...
Wahbah al-Zuhayli was a renowned Islamic scholar known for his extensive contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and legal theory. His seminal work, 'Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh,' is a comprehensive...
al-ʿUqūbāt al-Sharʿiyya wa'l-Aqḍiya wa'l-Shahādāt
العقوبات الشرعية والأقضية والشهادات
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
al-Fiqh al-Shāfiʿī al-Muyassar
الفقه الشافعي الميسر
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
al-Muʿāmalāt al-Māliyyah al-Muʿāṣirah
المعاملات المالية المعاصرة
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
al-Fiqh al-Ḥanafī al-Muyassar
الفقه الحنفي الميسر
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
al-Naẓariyyāt al-Fiqhiyya
النظريات الفقهية
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
al-fiqh al-mālikī al-muyassar
الفقه المالكي الميسر
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
Aḥkām al-ʿibādāt ʿalā al-madhhab al-mālikī
أحكام العبادات على المذهب المالكي
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)
Al-Fiqh al-Hanbali al-Muyassar bi-Adillatihi wa-Tatbiqatihi al-Mu‘asira
الفقه الحنبلي الميسر بأدلته وتطبيقاته المعاصرة
Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī (d. 1436 AH)وهبة الزحيلي (ت. 1436 هجري)