Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ghazzal al-Dimashqi, Badr al-Din, al-shahir bi-Sibt al-Mardini (al-mutawaffa: 912 AH)
محمد بن محمد بن أحمد الغزال الدمشقي، بدر الدين، الشهير بسبط المارديني (المتوفى: 912هـ)
Sibt Maridini, formally known as Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ghazal al-Dimashqi, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of astronomy and mathematics. He is best known for his comprehensive works on astronomical tables and his efforts to simplify complex astronomical calculations for wider understanding. His contributions include detailed explanations of the use of astrolabes, a critical tool during his time for navigating the stars. His work served as a bridge between classical astrono...
Sibt Maridini, formally known as Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ghazal al-Dimashqi, was a distinguished scholar in the fields of astronomy and mathematics. He is best known for his comprehensive w...