Shadhān ibn Jibrāʾīl al-Qummī
شاذان بن جبرئيل القمي
Shadhan Ibn Jibrail Qummi was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions and teachings of Shi'a Islam. He is renowned for his contributions to Hadith literature, dedicating his life to collecting and interpreting the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad and his family. Among his notable works, his efforts in compiling and authenticating Hadiths have been particularly influential, serving as a vital resource for scholars and students of Islamic studies. His dedication...
Shadhan Ibn Jibrail Qummi was a distinguished Islamic scholar, deeply rooted in the traditions and teachings of Shi'a Islam. He is renowned for his contributions to Hadith literature, dedicating his l...
Izāḥat al-ʿillah fī maʿrifat al-qiblah
إزاحة العلة في معرفة القبلة
Shadhān ibn Jibrāʾīl al-Qummī (d. 593 AH)شاذان بن جبرئيل القمي (ت. 593 هجري)
Shadhān ibn Jibrāʾīl al-Qummī (d. 593 AH)شاذان بن جبرئيل القمي (ت. 593 هجري)
Al-Rawḍa fī Faḍāʾil Amīr al-Muʾminīn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (ʿalayhimā al-salām)
الروضة في فضائل أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب (عليهما السلام)
Shadhān ibn Jibrāʾīl al-Qummī (d. 593 AH)شاذان بن جبرئيل القمي (ت. 593 هجري)