Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī
سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي
5 Texts
•Also known as
Saadi Youssef was a distinguished Iraqi poet known for his eloquent and poignant verses. Born in the cultural crossroads of Basra, he became a strong voice in modern Arabic literature. Youssef's poetry often traversed themes of exile, identity, and the human condition, deeply resonating with readers worldwide. His works, such as 'Without an Alphabet, Without a Face,' highlight his unique ability to blend personal and political narratives. A relentless traveler, Youssef's life experiences infused...
Saadi Youssef was a distinguished Iraqi poet known for his eloquent and poignant verses. Born in the cultural crossroads of Basra, he became a strong voice in modern Arabic literature. Youssef's poetr...
al-Ruwāt alladhīna kunnū bi-Abī Zurʿa
الرواة الذين كنوا بأبي زرعة
Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī (d. Unknown)سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي (ت. غير معلوم)
Abū Zurʿah al-Rāzī wa-Juhūduhu fī al-Sunnah al-Nabawīyah
أبو زرعة الرازي وجهوده في السنة النبوية
Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī (d. Unknown)سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي (ت. غير معلوم)
Ibn Sabaʾ Ḥaqīqa lā Khayāl
ابن سبأ حقيقة لا خيال
Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī (d. Unknown)سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي (ت. غير معلوم)
Ikhtilāf Aqwāl al-Naqqād fī al-Ruwāt al-Mukhtalaf fīhim maʿa Dirāsat hādhihi al-Ẓāhira ʿinda Ibn Maʿīn
اختلاف أقوال النقاد في الرواة المختلف فيهم مع دراسة هذه الظاهره عند ابن معين
Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī (d. Unknown)سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي (ت. غير معلوم)
Dirāsah ḥawla qawl Abī Zur‘ah fī Sunan Ibn Mājah
دراسة حول قول أبي زرعة في سنن ابن ماجه
Saʿdī ibn Mahdī al-Hāshimī (d. Unknown)سعدي بن مهدي الهاشمي (ت. غير معلوم)