Abu ʿAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Qasim ibn Saʿid al-ʿUqbani al-Tilimsani (Faqih, died in Tilimsan in 871 H / 1467 CE)
أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن قاسم بن سعيد العقباني التلمساني (فقيه توفي بتلمسان عام 871 ه - 1467 م)
Muhammad Cuqbani, known in Arabic as محمد بن العقباني, was a distinguished Islamic jurist hailing from Tlemcen. His scholarly contributions are deeply rooted in the Maliki school of thought, through which he articulated and expanded upon Islamic jurisprudence. His works, primarily focused on legal theory and practice, served as significant references for scholars and students within the Maliki tradition. Cuqbani's dedication to Islamic law and his methodical approach to jurisprudence highlight h...
Muhammad Cuqbani, known in Arabic as محمد بن العقباني, was a distinguished Islamic jurist hailing from Tlemcen. His scholarly contributions are deeply rooted in the Maliki school of thought, through w...