Maḥmūd Qadaḥ
محمود قدح
2 Texts
•Also known as
Mahmoud Qaddah, an eminent Egyptian scholar, made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and thought. Renowned for his deep understanding of classical texts, he meticulously analyzed and interpreted Sharia law. His scholarly pursuits extended to teaching and mentoring students in various Islamic institutions, where he shaped the minds of future scholars. Qaddah's lectures and writings reflected his commitment to a profound and nuanced understanding of Islamic theology and ethics. His...
Mahmoud Qaddah, an eminent Egyptian scholar, made significant contributions to Islamic jurisprudence and thought. Renowned for his deep understanding of classical texts, he meticulously analyzed and i...
al-Asfār al-Muqaddasa ʿinda al-Yahūd wa-Atharuhā fī Inḥirāfihim ʿArḍ wa-Naqd
الأسفار المقدسة عند اليهود وأثرها في انحرافهم عرض ونقد
Maḥmūd Qadaḥ (d. Unknown)محمود قدح (ت. غير معلوم)
Mawjiz Taʾrīkh al-Yahūd wa-al-Radd ʿalā Baʿḍ Mazāʿimihim al-Bāṭilah
موجز تاريخ اليهود والرد على بعض مزاعمهم الباطلة
Maḥmūd Qadaḥ (d. Unknown)محمود قدح (ت. غير معلوم)