Ibn Rashid al-Bakri
ابن راشد البكري
Ibn Rashid Bakri, a Maliki scholar, was renowned for his profound knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence and history. His scholarly contributions are encapsulated in his writings, which include detailed expositions on Islamic law and insightful historical narratives. His works are characterized by meticulous research and a clear, analytical approach, making them valuable resources for scholars and students alike. His dedication to the Islamic sciences and his ability to interweave legal and historic...
Ibn Rashid Bakri, a Maliki scholar, was renowned for his profound knowledge in Islamic jurisprudence and history. His scholarly contributions are encapsulated in his writings, which include detailed e...
Al-Madhhab fī Ḍabṭ Masāʾil al-Madhhab
المذهب في ضبط مسائل المذهب
Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736 AH)ابن راشد البكري (ت. 736 هجري)
al-Fāʾiq fī Maʿrifat al-Aḥkām wa-al-Wathāʾiq
الفائق في معرفة الأحكام والوثائق
Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736 AH)ابن راشد البكري (ت. 736 هجري)
al-Shihab al-Thaqib fi Sharh Mukhtasar Ibn al-Hajib
الشهاب الثاقب في شرح مختصر ابن الحاجب
Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736 AH)ابن راشد البكري (ت. 736 هجري)
Lubāb al-lubāb fī bayān mā taḍammanat-hu abwāb al-kitāb min al-arkān wa-al-shurūṭ wa-al-mawāniʿ wa-al-asbāb
لباب اللباب في بيان ما تضمنته أبواب الكتاب من الأركان والشروط والموانع والأسباب
Ibn Rashid al-Bakri (d. 736 AH)ابن راشد البكري (ت. 736 هجري)