Ibn al-Nahhas, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim
ابن النحاس، أحمد بن إبراهيم
Ibn Nahhas, formally known as Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Damascus. He is renowned for his contributions to the fields of jurisprudence and Quranic exegesis. Among his notable works, his treatises on jihad and Islamic law stand out for their depth and insight. His scholarly output reflects a profound engagement with the Islamic tradition, offering interpretations and rulings that were influential in his time. His writings continue to be referenced for their schola...
Ibn Nahhas, formally known as Ahmad ibn Ibrahim, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Damascus. He is renowned for his contributions to the fields of jurisprudence and Quranic exegesis. Among his ...
Mashāriʿ al-Ashwāq ilā Maṣāriʿ al-ʿUshshāq
مشارع الأشواق إلى مصارع العشاق
Ibn al-Nahhas, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (d. 814 AH)ابن النحاس، أحمد بن إبراهيم (ت. 814 هجري)
Tanbīh al-ghāfilīn ʿan aʿmāl al-jāhilīn wa-taḥdhīr al-sālikīn min afʿāl al-jāhilīn
تنبيه الغافلين عن أعمال الجاهلين وتحذير السالكين من أفعال الجاهلين
Ibn al-Nahhas, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (d. 814 AH)ابن النحاس، أحمد بن إبراهيم (ت. 814 هجري)
Masharic Ashwaq
Ibn al-Nahhas, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim (d. 814 AH)ابن النحاس، أحمد بن إبراهيم (ت. 814 هجري)