Ibn al-Mutqinah
ابن المتقنة
Ibn Mutafannina was a distinguished Islamic scholar, known for his profound contributions to the field of Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works are characterized by their depth and insight, reflecting a deep understanding of the complexities of Islamic law and its application. His writings, which include comprehensive treatises on various aspects of Islamic jurisprudence, have been widely studied and respected by scholars and students of Islam for their clarity and scholarly rigor. His d...
Ibn Mutafannina was a distinguished Islamic scholar, known for his profound contributions to the field of Islamic jurisprudence and theology. His works are characterized by their depth and insight, re...
Matn al-Raḥbīyah = Bughyat al-Bāḥith ʿan Jumal al-Mawārith
متن الرحبية = بغية الباحث عن جمل الموارث
Muwaffaq al-Dīn Abū ʿAbd Allāh - tufiya 579 sana (d. 577 AH)موفق الدين أبو عبد الله - توفي 579 سنة (ت. 577 هجري)
Matn al-Raḥbīyah = Bughyat al-Bāḥith ʿan Jumal al-Mawārith
متن الرحبية = بغيه الباحث عن جمل الموارث
Muwaffaq al-Dīn Abū ʿAbd Allāh - tufiya 579 sana (d. 577 AH)موفق الدين أبو عبد الله - توفي 579 سنة (ت. 577 هجري)