b. Ziyād al-Nīsābūrī
ابن زياد النيسابوري
Ibn Muhammad Naysaburi, known as Al-Wahidi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Nishapur. He made significant contributions to the fields of Quranic exegesis and hadith. His most notable works include 'Asbab al-Nuzul', which explores the circumstances and reasons behind the revelation of Quranic verses, and 'Al-Wajiz', a concise yet comprehensive commentary on the Quran. His scholarly efforts provided deep insights into the Quranic text, making his works essential references for Islamic stu...
Ibn Muhammad Naysaburi, known as Al-Wahidi, was a distinguished Islamic scholar from Nishapur. He made significant contributions to the fields of Quranic exegesis and hadith. His most notable works in...
al-Ziyādāt ʿalā Kitāb al-Muzanī
الزيادات على كتاب المزني
b. Ziyād al-Nīsābūrī (d. 324 AH)ابن زياد النيسابوري (ت. 324 هجري)
Fawāʾid Abī Bakr ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Ziyād al-Naysābūrī - Makhtūṭ
فوائد أبي بكر عبد الله بن محمد بن زياد النيسابوري - مخطوط
b. Ziyād al-Nīsābūrī (d. 324 AH)ابن زياد النيسابوري (ت. 324 هجري)